The Corporate Talent Incubator

Up-skilling Tomorrow’s Workforce Today.

The L-EAF Lab Corporate Talent Incubator Program is designed to provide students with practical, real-world experience while helping businesses secure diverse, top early-career talent.

  • We build flexible talent incubator programs tailored to fit company needs, spanning from intensive 12-week programs to comprehensive multi-year engagements.

  • We have de-risked hiring early-career talent by offering access to a curated pool of talent that has been meticulously trained, coached and mentored in The L-EAF Lab.

  • Our program fosters collaboration and innovation, in a safe learning environment, where individuals learn how to collaborate effectively with peers, managers and customers.

For Businesses.

Why Choose the Corporate Talent Incubator

Top-Quality Talent: Access a pipeline of highly skilled interns trained in agile methodologies and real-world problem-solving. Our program ensures interns are ready to contribute meaningfully from their first day.

Reduced Onboarding Time: Interns are equipped with practical experience and collaborative skills, minimizing the time and resources traditionally spent on training and orientation.

Flexibility and Customization: We’ll tailor the program to align with your company’s specific needs and culture, adapting to maximize value for your organization.

Mentorship Opportunities: Engage interns with dedicated mentors who foster collaboration, innovation, and professional growth. Our structured mentorship ensures interns integrate seamlessly into your team.

Improved Outcomes: Achieve superior project outcomes and retention rates by selecting interns who demonstrate readiness and enthusiasm.

How does the Program Work?

Request a consultation: Submit you information below to set up a consultation and explore what a tailored talent incubation program might look like.

Create candidate profiles: Through a series of interviews with your team, we create profiles of ideal candidates and the skills that are desired to start the recruitment of students into the Lab.

Train, Coach and Incubate: From the start of the recruiting process until recruitment, we train, coach and incubate the teams providing various opportunities for observations, corporate engagement and networking.

Success Stories and Testimonials

  • Case Study: Nonprofit Branding and Website

    A nonprofit startup needed a brand identity and website setup. Through the GIG Work Program, a team of Lab intern students developed a comprehensive strategy, delivering a theme that resonated with both funders and recipients.

    “The students from L-EAF Lab brought a fresh perspective and energy to our project. Their work exceeded our expectations and has had a lasting impact on our organization.” – S.H., Nonprofit Director

  • Case Study: Product Design and E-commerce Website

    An entrepreneur in the L-EAF Lab incubator needed help bringing his designs to life. The student team’s results were transformative, enabling the entrepreneur to achieve his business goals.

    “I spent my life working at fast food places and warehouses. I don’t know anything about digital graphics and website building. Being able to give my ideas to these teams and watching them come alive is the best feeling ever.” – K.C., Small Business Owner

Get Started

Ready to advance your projects with the help of talented students? Submit your project proposal today and see the difference our students can make.

Frequently asked questions.

For Students.

Why Choose the Corporate Talent Incubator?

Develop Skills & Competencies - Develop essential skills like agile methodologies, project management, product development, and competencies like collaboration, critical thinking, and leadership.

Gain Real World Experience - Gain hands-on experience working on diverse projects, from essential tasks to strategic initiatives sourced from industry leaders. This exposure prepares you for the challenges of corporate environments.

Receive Mentorship and Support - Receive personalized mentorship from experienced industry professionals and agile coaches. They provide guidance to navigate corporate complexities, ensuring your growth and confidence.

Earn Professional Certifications - Students earn industry-recognized skill badge certifications in WorkFLOW and Nested WorkFLOW agile methodologies validated by These certifications enhance the resume and demonstrate readiness for corporate roles.

How does the Program Work?

Apply to the Program: Submit your application to join the GIG Work Program and indicate your areas of interest. Our team will match you with projects that align with your skills and career goals.

Get on a Team: Based on your skills and interests, you’ll be matched with a project that provides relevant experience and opportunities for growth. Work in cross-functional teams to ensure a well-rounded learning experience.

Execute and Learn: Collaborate on real-world projects, earn digital credentials, and build a robust portfolio showcasing your accomplishments.

Student Success Stories

  • Case Study: Insert you favorite project

    “I have been interested in nonprofits for like a long time working at long nonprofits. . . . and I just want to be a part of a team working on projects that help build. communities ” – A.T., Student Intern

Get Involved

Join the L-EAF Lab and take the first step towards a successful career. Apply now to work on exciting projects, earn credentials, and build a portfolio that stands out.

Apply Now.

Frequently Asked Questions.

What types of projects can businesses submit?

Businesses can submit a wide range of projects, including product development, research, marketing, and more. Our student teams are equipped to handle diverse tasks and deliver valuable outcomes.

How are student teams formed?

Students are matched with projects based on their skills and interests. Teams are cross-functional to ensure diverse perspectives and comprehensive solutions.

What kind of support do students receive?

Students receive mentorship from industry professionals and guidance from L-EAF Lab coaches. They also earn digital credentials and skill badges that track their progress and achievements.

How can businesses ensure the quality of the work delivered?

Our program includes regular demonstrations and feedback sessions to ensure the work meets your expectations. We also have a rigorous selection process to match the right students with the right projects.

Is there a cost for businesses to participate?

Participation costs are determined based on the scope and duration of the project. Contact us for more details on pricing and how we can tailor the program to fit your needs.